New film festivals on human rights presented

In 2013, several new film festivals dedicated to the promotion and support of human rights films are staged. Through its Support Programme, the Movies that Matter Foundation supported some of these, including festivals in Burma and in the occupied Palestinian territories.
In this year's first selection round, nine film festivals and film distribution projects have been granted financial support. One of these projects is the first travelling film festival in Burma. After the first edition of the Human Rights Human Dignity International Film Festival, from 15-19 June 2013 in Yangon, a selection of the festival films will be screened in 13 cities throughout Burma/Myanmar. The programme of this festival focuses on freedom of expression, freedom of religion and discrimination against women.
In December 2013 the first edition of the Karama Human Rights Film Festival in Palestine will be held. This new festival is organised in close cooperation with the Karama Human Rights Film Festival in Jordan, one of the members of the Human Rights Film Network. With film screenings, debates, music concerts and theatre events, the festival advocates for human rights all across the West Bank and in the Gaza Strip.
Read more about these festivals and other film projects supported by Movies that Matter, including the Western Sahara International Film Festival (picture above).