
Movies that Matter Festival 2011 Award winners
The Movies that Matter Festival 2011 was a good success. A record of 17.500 persons attended the screenings and debates between 24 and 30 March 2011.

Yacoundé International Human Rights Film Festival suspended by authorities
On 12 April 2011, the Yaoundé prefecture issued a suspension of a public eventautorisation, thereby calling off this first edition of the International Human Rights Film Festival in Yaoundé.The opening ceremony of the Festival was cancelled in the presence of its audience, guests and journalists

Cinema for Peace: And the winner is...
The winner of the International Human Rights Film Award at Cinema for Peace is Father Marco Arana Zegarra, portrayed in the film The Devil Operation, by Stephanie Boyd.

HRFN Annual Meeting 2010
As every year, Human Rights Film Network members will meet for annual meeting in Amsterdam in November, during IDFA. More than 20 festivals across the world have already confirmed their presence.

HRFN Programmers Choose Winners of International Human Rights Film Award 2008
The directors and programmers of the Human Rights Film Network have decided on the winner of the International Human Rights Film Award. The award was established by Amnesty International and Cinema for Peace last year.

First edition of the Yaoundé International Human Rights Film Festival suspended
Tuesday the 12th of April 2011, the Yaoundé prefecture issued a suspension of a public event autorisation, thereby calling off this first edition of the International Human Rights Film Festival in Yaoundé.