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Festival Internacional de Cine de los Derechos Humanos “El séptimo ojo es tuyo”

Sucre (Bolivia)

PukaÑawi, a red eye in the Quechua language, was founded on October 30, 2004 as a cultural management center to unite a study center, an audiovisual production company and a film festival. PukaÑawi organizes the International Human Rights Film Festival "El Séptimo Ojo Es Tuyo" (FESTIMO) in the city of Sucre, Capital of the Plurinational State of Bolivia. In its 13 editions the FESTIMO has exhibited more than 1500 films and has reached more than 100 thousand people in different cities and communities.

Each year the FESTIMO invites an international jury to award the PukaÑawi Award to the Bolivian eye, the Latin American eye and the international eye in the short, medium and feature films categories and also the public vote. FESTIMO is a member of the Human Rights Film Network (HRFN) and with its support has created the Human Rights Cineteca on November 23, 2008. A concrete result of the Human Rights Cinematheque is the School of documentary film of Human Rights and Nature - School of Nature - which became a reality thanks to the support of many Latin American filmmakers, among them, the Bolivian based in Argentina Humberto Ríos Toro.

PukaÑawi is part of the Movement of the New Bolivian Cinema and Video, Meeting of Documentalists from Latin America and the Caribbean, Latin American Coordinator of Archives of Images in Motion (CLAIM), National Committee of the Memory of the World Program and the Federation of Image and Sound of Latin America (FEISAL).

Festival date: