Members A - Z
1905 International Human Rights Film Festival
1905 International Human Rights Film Festival was established in Hong Kong in 2016 and expanded to Taiwan in 2018. We aim to promote human rights awareness through the screening of powerful feature films, documentaries and short films from around the world, and post-screening discussions with filmmakers, rights professionals and activists.

ACT Human Rights Film Festival
The ACT Human Rights Film Festival in Fort Collins, Colorado, showcases the best in human rights cinema from around the world.

Active Vista International Human Rights Film Festival
A society that respects, upholds and values the dignity, rights and freedom of its people is the vision that Active Vista underpins. It brings attention stories of human conditions to enable the public to help dismantle barricades that hinder the pursuit of human rights and dignity.

Addis International Film Festival
Addis International Film Festival (AIFF) is an annual film festival created by Initiative Africa (IA) in 2007 and held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The festival seeks to use the power of film to support create awareness on social issues and showcase the country’s and the continent’s young documentary filmmaker and their work.

Bergen International Film Festival
BIFF is the largest film festival in Norway, both in admissions and number of films presented, with more than 61.000 admissions in 2019. Each year we present more than 150 feature length films, around two thirds of which are documentaries, making us one of the biggest documentary festivals in the Nordic Region.

Censurados Film Festival
Censurados Film Festival is an itinerant film festival dedicated to freedom of expression and human rights that takes place since 2014 with the aim to give voice to those films that have been censored as well as to movies that are focused on human rights: gender identity and equality, LGTBi rights, human trafficking, oppression of indigenous people, among others.

Ciné Droit Libre
Ciné Droit Libre is a film festival committed to the cause of human rights and freedom of expression.
Ciné Droit Libre’s goal is to provide a platform for filmmakers and journalists around the world, especially for those whose works (films on human rights and freedom of the press) are censored or have broadcast difficulties.

Ciné Droit Libre Abidjan
Ciné Droit Libre is a film festival committed to the cause of human rights and freedom of expression. Ciné Droit Libre’s goal is to provide a platform for filmmakers and journalists around the world, especially for those whose works (films on human rights and freedom of the press) are censored or have broadcast difficulties.

Docudays UA International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival
Docudays UA is the only international human rights documentary film festival in Ukraine. It is a part of the international Human Rights Film Network. It takes place every year in Kyiv in the last week of March. After the end of the festival, Docudays UA traditionally presents the best films in Ukrainian regions during the Traveling Festival.

Document Human Rights Film Festival
Document is the only dedicated international human rights documentary film festival in Scotland. Document began in 2003 and this year we will present our 17th edition of the festival.

ENTRETODOS is an entry-free film festival, based in São Paulo, Brazil, since 2007. It is a Festival dedicated to short films – up to 25 min – that deal with themes related to Human Rights and Citizenship.

Fast Forward Human Rights Film Festival
FAST FORWARD Human Rights Film Festival Montenegro

Festival Internacional de Cine por los Derechos Humanos - Colombia
Since 2013, the International Film Festival for Human Rights -Colombia, offers audiovisual programming and a cultural and training agenda that contributes to spaces for dialogue around life, reconciliation, the promotion and defense of human rights and the construction of ideas for peace.

Festival de Cine MÁS
"Festival de Cine MÁS" was founded in 2015 as a response to the vacuum and non-existence of a human rights discourse in schools, colleges, universities and public spaces in the country.
We consider it necessary to provide, through films and debates, a space for dialogue, reflection and exchange of information on the topic of human rights.

Festival de Cine y Derechos Humanos Donostia
The Festival of Human Rights Film is an initiative that is part of the San Sebastian, Space for the Culture of Peace project.

Festival Del Cinema Dei Diritti Umani Di Napoli
The Naples Human Rights Film Festival was born in 2008 as an initiative of the association "Cinema e Diritti" with the aim of establishing a reference point for Human Rights debate in Southern Europe opening up a dialogue among civil societies from the Middle East to North Africa and to Northern Europe and America.The tradition of hospitality

Festival du Film et Forum International sur les Droits Humains
International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights - Geneva

Festival Internacional de Cine de Derechos Humanos
The International Film Festival on Human Rights is one of the most important events on human rights cinema, is founding member of the Human Rights Film Network and Red de Cine Social y Derechos Humanos de América Latina y el Caribe, promoting human rights issues in the world through cinema.

Festival Internacional de Cine de los Derechos Humanos “El séptimo ojo es tuyo”
PukaÑawi, a red eye in the Quechua language, was founded on October 30, 2004 as a cultural management center to unite a study center, an audiovisual production company and a film festival. PukaÑawi organizes the International Human Rights Film Festival "El Séptimo Ojo Es Tuyo" (FESTIMO) in the city of Sucre, Capital of the Plurinational State of Bolivia. In its 13 editions the FESTIMO

The annual Western Sahara International Film Festival (FiSahara) brings entertainment, culture and hope to the Western Sahara´s refugees, who have lived in exile for over three decades. The festival takes place every year in the Sahrawi refugee camps in Southwestern Algeria.

Free Zone Film Festival
Free Zone Film Festival is meant to foster a debate on topical issues in the world today. The festival showcases films from around the world that address human rights and related issues, bringing together celebrated filmmakers, local experts, and local and international audiences.

Freedom Film Festival
FreedomFilmFest (FFF) is Malaysia's only international human rights documentary film festival. Established in 2003, the festival provides a platform for stories that are unseen, unheard, and untold from Malaysia, Southeast Asia, and across the globe.

HUMAN International Documentary Film Festival
HUMAN International Documentary Film Festival is Oslo’s largest documentary film festival and a significant forum in the Norwegian capital’s cultural, academic and organizational life, which engages and encourages debates about human rights and other social issues of current interest.

Human Rights Film Festival Berlin
Festival: The Human Rights Film Festival Berlin focuses on stories from all parts of the world that vividly address and reflect on human action, the socio-political status quo and fundamental issues such as democracy, justice, freedom and environmental protection.

Human Rights Film Festival: Inconvenient Films
Human Rights Film Festival “Inconvenient Films” is an annual documentary film festival established in 2007. The mission of this non-profit initiative is to raise awareness on human rights issues around the world and to connect them to those that are present in Lithuania.

Human Screen Festival
The Human Screen Festival is an international film festival dedicated to human rights, held annually in Tunisia.

HUMANS Fest - Festival Internacional de Cine y Derechos Humanos
Humans Fest is, in terms of audience, the most important human rights film festival in Spain and the largest audience film festival in its region. Its main event takes place every year in Valencia the second week of February but the whole year is full of activities not just in Valencia but in the whole region and there are some international screenings.

International Human Rights Film Festival in Albania
The International Human Rights Film Festival in Albania (IHRFFA) is an annual human rights film festival founded by the Academy of Film and Multimedia Marubi in 2006, in collaboration with several human rights organizations and institutions.

International Social Film Festival of Catalonia
The International Social Film Festival of Catalonia in 7 points:

Karama Beirut Human Rights Film Festival
Karama Beirut Human Rights Film Festival (KBHRFF), which is the first human rights festival in Lebanon, is an interactive, local platform where the general public can interact directly with civil society activists, filmmakers, producers and other artists from Lebanon, the Arab world and the International community.

Karama Human Rights Film Festival
The Karama HRFF was established in June 2009, sensing the need for human rights dialogue and advocacy in the Arab region. The founding committee named Ma'mal 612 consists of Sawsan Darwaza, Ehab Khatib & Ayman Bardawil.

Karama Yemen Human Rights Film Festival
'Karama Yemen’ the first annual festival of human rights films in Yemen, was launched by YWT in 2018 and held in several Yemeni governorates. The festival acts as a window to the world, and a window into the Yemeni culture.

Miradas Diversas - Festival Internacional de Cine de Derechos Humanos
Since its first edition, the Festival Miradas Diversas has marked a different philosophy and design.

MOVE IT! Film Festival for Human Rights
MOVE IT! is a small film festival located in Dresden, Germany. It is focused on human rights themes with a special emphasis on women's and children's rights, due to the thematic focus of it’s organising NGO, Akifra e.V. Founded in 2004, MOVE IT! Film Festival takes place in the second week of November in different locations in Dresden.

Movies that Matter Festival
Movies that Matter screens and promotes films that draws our attention to human rights and situations in which these are at stake. The foundation's peak activity is the annual Movies that Matter Festival, taking place in The Hague, International City of Peace and Justice.

Muestra de Cine Internacional Memoria Verdad Justicia
The Muestra de Cine Internacional Memoria Verdad Justicia (International Film Festival of Memory Truth and Justice) was born in 2010 under bomb threats and boycott attempts in a country where human rights have always been of little value, a country which suffered a genocide of indigenous people and which today is considered as a failed state because of the debility of his institutions, its high

Muestra de Cine Social y Derechos Humanos (MUSOC)
MUSOC, the Social and Human Rights Film Exhibition, began in 2012. Since then, it takes place every January in many cities and towns in Asturias, Spain. The fiction, animation, and documentary films that are screened focus on human right issues around the world and raise awareness about social and human experiences that promote justice, equality and solidarity.

Nepal Human Rights International Film Festival
Human Rights Film Center is an organization which works on human rights through film. Founded by a group of media professionals and filmmakers for promoting and protecting human rights in Nepal, we generate public debate and encourage changes in national policy by making film and organizing festival screening.

Nuremberg International Human Rights Film Festival
NIHRFF is Germany’s oldest and biggest human rights film festival. With its art house cinema background, it is the leading forum for outstanding feature films, documentaries and animated productions, which have human rights as their main focus.

One World – International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival

One World Slovakia
International festival of documentary films One World Slovakia, taking place in the beginning of November is an inclusive hybrid (online/onsite) film event, progressive and innovative platform for the European documentary industry and filmmaking with the focuse on films reflecting current and vibrant global issues such as climate chan

Red Carpet Human Rights Film Festival
The Red Carpet Human Rights Film Festival in Gaza festival presents short and long feature films, documentaries and animation films, that shed the light on local and global humanitarian issues. The first edition took place in May 2015.

Seoul Human Rights Film Festival
Seoul Human Right Film Festival, first established in 1996, is a non-profit human rights organization that communicates and cooperates with others by showing human rights films. Everyone has the right to see human rights films. Every human rights film has the right to be screened everywhere. It’s because human rights are the rights to life itself.

Syracuse University Human Rights Film Festival
Founded in 2003, the Syracuse University Human Rights Film Festival (SUHRFF) is part of Syracuse Symposium and is presented by the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications and the Syracuse University Humanities Center in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Tenemos que Ver
The festival seeks to provide to the audience a high quality programme of films about Human Rights issues.

Under our Skin International Film Festival on Human Rights & Culture
The Under our Skin International Film Festival on Human Rights & Culture is an annual event based in Kenya, serving as a platform that embraces the transformative potential of cross-community dialogues. Our commitment lies in cultivating spaces for individuals to engage in meaningful conversations. The festival revolves around three core themes:

Vermont International Film Festival
The Vermont International Film Festival (VTIFF) is Vermont’s longest running film festival and this year marks its 29th edition.

Verzio International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival
Verzió International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival, the largest documentary film festival in Hungary, has been organized on an annual basis since 2004. It aims to promote open society, democratic values, rule-of-law, freedom of expression, political and cultural pluralism, and to expose abuse and global human rights violations through creative, quality documentaries.

WATCH DOCS Belarus Human Rights Film Festival
WATCH DOCS Belarus is an international human rights documentary film festival that has been held regularly since 2015 in Minsk, as well as in regional cities of Belarus.

WATCH DOCS. Human Rights in Film International Film Festival
The International Film Festival WATCH DOCS. Human Rights in Film has been held annually in Warsaw in December since 2001.